“We should have done this sooner!” It never ceases to surprise us how often we hear these words. Our clients realize that LifeCall recommends the most appropriate system based on their personal lifestyle and security needs. They also know that when they press their LifeCall medical alert button they will promptly be connected to a specially trained and certified Emergency Care Specialist who will urgently and appropriately respond to their situation – whether it is simply providing a reassuring voice, contacting a neighbor or family member, or dispatching emergency services. The top priority of LifeCall has always been the well-being of our clients and their families. We understand that because falls and other medical emergencies are common among seniors, a personal emergency response system doesn’t just save lives tomorrow, it enriches lives today. That’s why, as a leading provider of medical alert systems, LifeCall Medical Alert Systems with FallAlertTM are recommended by healthcare providers across North America. These providers include hospitals, agencies on aging, home health care providers, social workers and geriatric care managers. LifeCall is an integral part of their overall care program and we are honored when families trust us to care for their loved ones with the dignity and compassion they deserve.